Adults Wealthy & Wise Workbook (Corporate-Workplace)

At Stand Your Truth (SYT), we are passionate about solving one of society’s most significant problems. It starts with education. Our philosophy and curricula have been developed to empower our children, young adults and parents to navigate these challenges and difficulties and help our people unlock their human potential and discover their unique inherent talents.

The result is high school children who are more engaged in the classroom, understand who they are and their responsibility to themselves and society to take ownership of their own learning and place themselves on the appropriate pathway and trajectory to fulfilment and service as an adult.

Our students stay the course, as they have made more informed decisions around their future careers based on a better understanding of themselves, the world around them and their unique role and value-add within that world.

Our young adults seek jobs and opportunities in fields that they are called to and demonstrate passion, enthusiasm conviction to the cause, adding value to their employers and humanity as happy, balanced and contributing members of society.

Our mission is to make a lasting positive impact on local and greater communities ultimately the world over, through the lives of its youth.

We endeavour to be a world-wide powerhouse of life skills training, youth development / leadership training and community development. We will ultimately foster a world-wide movement of youth leaders by creating incubators to fortify emotional / internal imagination of students.

We deliver a message and enlightenment on total and complete freedom of the learner, to understand that the most important kind of freedom is to be what you truly are. For the individual learner to know that there can’t be any large-scale transformation until there is a personal transformation on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first!

Teenage life

The foundation

Our children are excited in their high school classrooms, learning and full of expectation for a brighter future that a secondary education should afford them. In reality, they are faced with a whole lot of learning that does not at all connect to their being and their individual reason to be (purpose). Our children become more aware of this when they are faced with the significant decisions surrounding the choosing of their future career paths. Our system is failing to appropriately equip our children for these decisions and guide them toward their individual callings and strengths where they will be most fulfilled as adults and contribute the most value to society.

Young Adulthood life

The structure

Our children are ill-equipped for the anxieties of tertiary learning, especially when confronted with the realisation of the disconnects between their chosen fields of study to their individual purpose. This is in full evidence in society as we observe graduates sitting on pavements, in despair and confusion, with their expensive paper that they worked so hard to achieve totally failing to meet the realities of life.

Adult life

The roof

The ultimate frustrations of our people play out in our working spaces. The misplacement of individual purpose manifests in these despaired graduates from the pavement feeling/being compelled to take any kind of work they can secure to survive life. This abandonment of individual purpose (or inability to identify it and pursue it) results in poor performance, lack of meaningful engagement and contribution in their existing environments and perhaps more importantly the loss of these individuals to the workspaces, where their individual purposes are met and most fulfilled. This is where these people can have the most positive impact on society as they engage with their passions and put their unique skills and abilities to productive use for personal and greater societal good.

As an example, every day we observe and hear stories from all around the world of trained professionals like doctors, engineers, accountants etc. abandoning their fields of study to pursue alternative careers in whatever direction those might be. The cost and tragedy of this reality is measured in two primary ways:

1. Wasted time and money in training highly skilled people in areas of competence that they do not actively use and practice to the benefit of society, and

2. The human tragedy in that people who do not turn their backs on the careers and vocations that they regret getting into, are unfulfilled and do not use their unique skills and gifts in the areas of competence that align with their purpose and passion.

This is a complete disjoint on the notion of service –the very reason for our existence and is a great loss to society…

Unlocking Human Potential

At the very core of the Stand Your Truth philosophy is the quest to unlock human potential by tapping into the well of human experience to ‘unblock subconscious experiences’ that hinder the exploration of inherent talent embedded in the instinct of being human. The philosophy is here to make sure that visions are lived not framed. The idea is to liberate anyone seeking such, to any that seeks to chain one. The Philosophy is the creator of a pathway to purpose, the giver of absolute reason to one’s being, the focus and lens to one’s vision, and a channel to service. The focus, therefore, is on the issues our existence is facing, connecting those issues to the solution and taking a STAND by being the administer of the remedy, the guider, nurturer and monitor of growth, progress and result of it.

We BELIEVE that the light will pierce through the darkness and birth a community that is working together, looking at each other through the lens of compassion and understanding rather than judgement and jealousy, enabling one another to see ourselves for who we truly are… Human beings beautifully imperfect going through the same universal challenges.

We COMMIT to be with you, the people who are working together in making sure that we leave the next generation with more than just a financial inheritance, but a human dignity value-based inheritance to sustain them.

We PROMISE to STAND on our conviction, to STAND our truth, to be what we believe, willing and open to give in what we expect; mirror what we see, and reflect what we envisioned.